Thursday, August 19, 2010

Goose with Attitude

This plump goose and I don't have have the best relationship.  I feel goosie has attitude problems.

This week I had one night when I was out in the cold for half an hour trying to get this goose to go to bed.  Foxes are always ready for an easy meal and as much as I have not too loving feelings towards this animal I would be very upset if we lost him to the foxes. 
Our son, who has long left home, was given this goose when he was in primary school - so add secondary school, uni years and now working.  That all adds up to a number of years we have had goosie.

Next week we have 3 Farm stay students coming to stay with us for 3 days.  I have been cleaning and planning.  As the weather has been rather wet I am planning farm and inside activities.  This time I have girls so if the weather is wet I plan to show them what happens with the wool - from washing fleece and dyeing to spinning, knitting and felting.  Hope we get at least one pleasant day.  Food has been planned also.  We will have a BBQ if weather is kind.  Always I plan for time in the kitchen making lamingtons - this I would say is the favourite activity.  Think it must be about 20 years we have had students coming to stay and by now I have the menu sorted.


Darwinstorm said...

Goosie cleaned up well in the last rainfall!!! He looks very gentle and friendly unlike his true nature!!!

Good luck with the students.....will there be any lamingtons left for me?? (There doesn't seem to be any left in our house :-( )

busygnomes said...

Well, I reckon your goosey is safe, foxy loxy had duck for tea. Only the drake is left, poor thing.
It makes me sad that I'm missing the flood at the creek.........I guess this will happen more often when you live in two places.

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