Our dear old sheep dog Obie, chook protector from foxes and sort of friend of goose died yesterday. This photo was taken a couple of years ago. Obie's coat had faded, he was wobbly on his legs and deaf except when dinner was delivered.
We have been watching him carefully as we decided to take Obie to the vet as soon as we saw any discomfort. Yesterday was shearing day for some sheep. Obie was there barking at the sheep for a while. When we had put the sheep back in paddock David went to get Obie and he had died.
David and Taffy found Obie at the local RSPCA. We think he was about 17 years old. Obie liked to visit neighbours. On one visit he got in a neighbour's car and wouldn't get out so they drove him home. On another visit he and a neighbour's child took a liking to each other - Obie was on said child's bed which I was a little concerned about. Obie just hated water when it came to washing or swimming.
Obie and chook were great friends and if chook didn't go to bed she would be found in Obie's kennel.
David buried Obie today in one of the holes Obie had dug. Obie was rather good at excavating. He had dug such a basement under his kennel that David has to do some reinforcing work to prevent a cave in and kennel collapse. The basement was a bit wet in winter but cool in summer.
Oh dear, so sorry to hear about Obie. I love the funny stories about him. We are so lucky to have pets in our lives.
Goodbye Obie,
at least he got one more round up in.
come up for a cuppa next week, if your feeling up to it, we would love to see you.
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