Monday, October 12, 2009

Puppies at 5 Weeks

Just how cute are these puppies. I think it will be impossible to get all 9 puppies together in the one photo. David, Brie and I are going to visit the puppies some time this week so there will be more photos.

I have not seen water in the fountain in the Ballarat Gardens for years. Such a graceful sight as the water catches the light.

And Wallace is in a prominent position to keep a watchful eye.

I now have to go and hang out washing and do some baking. Michele is quite ill now and we are all taking turns to visit her in Melbourne. We are being careful not to do the visitor overload. Michele is in hospital but may be able to go home for a while.
It is important for us to eat healthy food and when I'm tired I grab whatever. So with some planning I have been preparing meals today so there is always something ready to be heated. David and I seem to pass like ships in the night but on V Line trains , not ships.

Did the washing today thinking I'll get it dry - well blue clouds and breeze. Of course when I put the washing on the clothes line the grey clouds and rain arrived.
Dyeing lots of fleece so will take photos when I have time.

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