Friday, February 4, 2011

At last I can have my say!

I've been asking for my own blog for ages.  She (the boss) said no but maybe if my wool is beautiful a I can share sometimes and let you know what is happening out in the paddocks.
You know it took ages to get shorn this year.  Had to wait in a queue for the shearer.  We are all feeling so light and bouncy now just like Shaun the Sheep.  I know she is going to spin some of my wool today.

The boss has been so busy with the glam shopping.  The son is getting married so you know what goes on with these humans, new clothes, new shoes.  We  (all 37 of us) check the letter box every day but still no wedding invitation.  Thought we could be a guard of honour. Everyday I'm teaching them but you know some baa doesn't want to be next to some other baa.  Our wool will have grown in another month and we will look quite dashing.  The girls are thinking anklets or even frilly socks.  Us men, well we thought gumboots if it is raining and perhaps a tie.  If she gets that spinning wheel going we could all wear a beanie - knitted in my wool of course.

This photo is of me and some mates.  We have lush grass this year.  Mr Boss is slowly cutting all the thistles.  It will be so good not to have those prickly things in my wool.

Well had best be off.  Need to book accommodation for this wedding.  Would like something close to the church.  Think there is grass around the church so we could have lunch there.  A snooze after the ceremony and then be sprightly for the dancing.  Wonder what the food will be.  Lucerne chaff maybe but that is a bit messy.  Must remember to get some wedding cake for goosie.  One of the mob was allowed to sleep in his yard last night.  This morning so as not to be left out we all went into goosie's yard.  That goose has a fierce peck sometimes.  The promise of wedding cake soothed the situation.


busygnomes said...

Ha! thanks for the giggles, your're having way to much fun down there.

colleen said...

Well spoken. Cute as!!!

baukje said...

Hope you will invite him for the wedding.......

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