Friday, January 14, 2011

Local Knowledge is Helpful

 Today a local man was chatting to David and was telling him about the floods in 1956.  If you look at the power pole you can see the metal band to keep possums from climbing the pole.  The 1956 flood was 2 feet above the band.  Local knowledge is so important as even in that flood our house wouldn't have been flooded - but other houses built since that date would be flooded.  We did not have this information when we built here but we did build on the high ground.

Ducks are making the most of their new playground. This is one end of our road.

The paddocks are still underwater.  All sheep are safe.  We counted them again today just to make sure. Mind you their attitude is what you would say "grumpy"  I went out in the rain this morning to give them hay and they just put their noses in the air and walked off.  And I returned home with gumboots full of water and very wet.


MooBeeTees said...

Typical sheep. They could at least pretend to be thankful! Glad that your house is OK, even if you seem to have a moat around you :0)

Sueyllew said...

Gee Sue l hope this sunnier weather is coming your and the sheeps' way soon, from the Llewelyns

baukje said...

I am glad everything is under control.... TAKE CARE

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